Serious preparation should begin at least 1 week before the ceremony.
Feel free to start a month ahead. Here is a list of things to do to prepare for your retreat in all these aspects:
Feel free to start a month ahead. Here is a list of things to do to prepare for your retreat in all these aspects:
- Take some time to reflect on what you hope to gain from the retreat.
- Familiarize yourself with the itinerary or schedule.
- Approach the retreat with an open mind and let go of any expectations.
- Prioritize getting enough sleep in the days leading up to the retreat.
- Eat a clean diet consisting of whole foods, fruits, and vegetables.
- Take some time to journal about your emotions and any concerns or anxieties.
- Practice self-care such as taking a bath, mindfulness, or spending time in nature.
- Reach out to family, friends, or integration coaches for support and connection.
- Incorporate meditation into your daily routine to help calm your mind.
- Focus on the things in your life that you are grateful for, and express gratitude regularly.


- All chemical substances (acids, ecstasy, etc.)
- Alcohol at least 2 weeks before the ceremony.
- Cannabis or any other form of stimulant.
- Processed food, fried foods, avoid salty (real sea salt is fine) and sugary food, artificial preservatives.
- Medications or drugs unless necessary (with information on drug treatment).
- If you are using prescribed SSRI for any form of depression, bi-polar, schizophrenia or anxiety, please inform us. If mixed with sacred plants, one can be left gravely injured or worse.
- Comfortable clothing.
- Water bottle.
- Journal and pen.
- Personal hygiene items.
- Mat, blanket, and pillow.

After taking part in a healing journey, you may feel a mix of emotions which could include feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, or in total bliss. Using plant medicine as part of your healing journey can be a very special ceremony and with such experience remember to give yourself extra love, be gentle and kind to yourself.
- Reflect upon the messages and guidance you received in your journey. Write in your journal any insights, feelings, or visions you may have had.
- Take a moment to reflect on the experience and re-connect with yourself through meditation.
- Warm baths and showers with sea salt or essential oils are wonderful for comfort and relaxation.
- Take some alone time. Take a nap or listen to music.
- Ground yourself and connect better with your experience by spending some time in nature.
- You might still be in an altered state even though you may not feel like it. Be careful as you continue living your everyday life, pay attention and stay present.
- Refrain from alcohol or other mind-altering substances for a few days.
- Eat grounding food (protein, root vegetables, etc.).
- Drink plenty of water. Hydration is key.
- Rest, relax and get a good night’s sleep.
- Wait a few days or a week before making any big decisions in your life.
- Emotions may be coming up today and in the next several weeks that you might not expect. Be gentle and kind to yourself.
- Share your experience with an open, loving and non-judgmental person. Don’t expect everyone to understand what you’ve experienced.
- Ask for support if you want or need it from either someone close to you or your therapist.
- Take time for solitude and reflection, however, do not isolate yourself.
- Dance, yoga, and other forms of movement are great for moving energy and relaxing. Use movement to free the energy coming through.
- Get a massage or other body or energy work.
- Hang out with animal companions, watch a funny movie or romantic comedy.
- Don’t take yourself too seriously. Remember to find ways to laugh and have fun.
- Be grateful for whatever experience you had. Remember, you received exactly what you needed.
See what people have said about us
"I attended a plant medicine retreat, and it completely changed my perspective on life. I was able to find inner peace and clarity about my life like never before. I Highly recommended!"
Day 1:
- 3:00 pm – Arrival and Check-in: Arrive at the retreat and check in. Take some time to get settled in and familiarize yourself with the surroundings.
- 5:00 pm – Early Dinner: Enjoy a light, early dinner to prepare your body for the evening's activities.
- 7:00 pm – Opening Cacao Ceremony: Start your retreat with an opening cacao ceremony that will help you set your intentions for the next two days.
- 9:00 pm – Time for reflection and relaxation: Take this time to journal, meditate, or simply relax and unwind.
Day 2:
- 8:00 am – Breakfast: Enjoy a healthy and nourishing breakfast that will fuel your body for the morning.
- 9:00 am – Open discussion: Enjoy some eucalyptus mint tea while we talk about topics related to personal growth.
- 10:00 am – Time for reflection and relaxation: Enjoy some alone time with your thoughts and emotions.
- 11:00 am – Workshop: Participate in a workshop that will help you deepen your understanding of why you’re here.
- 12:00 am – Lunch: Enjoy a healthy and nourishing lunch that will fuel your body for the afternoon.
- 1:00 pm – Nature Walk: Take some time to relax, journal, or explore on your own.
- 2:00 pm – Workshop: Participate in a workshop that will help you connect with your deeper self.
- 3:00 pm – Pre-ceremony meal: Enjoy a light meal to prepare your body for the ceremony.
- 4:00 pm – Pre-integration: Engage in a session to mentally prepare for the upcoming experience.
- 5:00 pm – Prepare for ceremony: Get ready for the ceremony, make sure you have everything you need for a comfortable experience.
- 6:00 pm – Ceremony begins.
Day 3:
- 8:00 am – Breakfast: Enjoy a healthy and nourishing breakfast to help you recover after the ceremony.
- 9:00 am – Integration: Engage in a guided reflection and integration session to help you process your plant medicine experience from the night before.
- 10:00 am – Closing Ceremony: End your retreat with a closing ceremony to help prepare you to take your newfound spiritual insights back into your daily life.
- 11:00 am – Departure.
Day 2:
- 8:00 am – Breakfast: Enjoy a healthy and nourishing breakfast that will fuel your body for the morning.
- 9:00 am – Open discussion: Enjoy some eucalyptus mint tea while we talk about topics related to personal growth.
- 10:00 am – Time for reflection and relaxation: Enjoy some alone time with your thoughts and emotions.
- 11:00 am – Workshop: Participate in a workshop that will help you deepen your understanding of why you’re here.
- 12:00 am – Lunch: Enjoy a healthy and nourishing lunch that will fuel your body for the afternoon.
- 1:00 pm – Nature Walk: Take some time to relax, journal, or explore on your own.
- 2:00 pm – Workshop: Participate in a workshop that will help you connect with your deeper self.
- 3:00 pm – Pre-ceremony meal: Enjoy a light meal to prepare your body for the ceremony.
- 4:00 pm – Pre-integration: Engage in a session to mentally prepare for the upcoming experience.
- 5:00 pm – Prepare for ceremony: Get ready for the ceremony, make sure you have everything you need for a comfortable experience.
- 6:00 pm – Ceremony begins.
Concent forms and waivers
Contact US
If you are interested in participating in this ceremony, please know that you must
schedule a free consultation first to make sure we are a good fit for each other.
schedule a free consultation first to make sure we are a good fit for each other.